For all I know, you're the rat

Reservoir Hounds was a success, at least with some criteria (and some post-game lie). The game ran for less than an hour, but that wasn’t surprising as I was quite sure we wouldn’t hit the two-hour time limit we had. The concept of the game was simple: Reservoir Dogs turned into jeepform (if you haven’t seen it: a bunch of gangsters arguing why a robbery went bad, and who’s to blame). We had some simple mechanics for determining when the game ended, and a rule about determining what had happened during the actual robbery part. Basically anything that the players said had happened during the robbery had happened, unless someone disagreed. The rule was: anything the players say is true is true - unless they are lying. There was no objective truth, as everything was up to debate. ...

May 27, 2010 · 2 min · 336 words · Jonne Arjoranta

Game ideas

Long time, no post. Some time ago I came up with an idea for a simple jeepform game. I’ve been calling it Reservoir Hounds, mostly because it borrows so heavily from an iconic movie with a matching name. We’re going to try it tomorrow. Details to follow. Also, today we thought up a game concept that uses eating cake as a game mechanic. Definitely have to try it at some point. Any excuse to eat cake is a good one. ...

May 20, 2010 · 1 min · 80 words · Jonne Arjoranta