Dissertation Summary

I recently gave a mock-lectio praecursoria as part of a course I’m taking. It summarises some of the work I’ve done for my dissertation. See below for more. The games I reference in the end are Depression Quest, That Dragon, Cancer, and Papers, Please. ...

January 29, 2014 · 5 min · 893 words · Jonne Arjoranta

Methodological contemplations

While I wholeheartedly think that science is mostly methodically uniform, there are two things that seem to differentiate the social sciences (or humanities) from the natural sciences. (That would seem to put me on the side of methodical antipositivism, if one is into labeling.) There are two distinct differences between the reality the natural sciences research and the one of social sciences study. While these differences are not immediately apparent, they are easily understandable when pointed out. They also lead to some methodological consequences that must be taken into account. ...

January 27, 2010 · 4 min · 821 words · Jonne Arjoranta