Kouvolan Kronikka
Kouvolan Kronikka was a 4-year long larp chronicle. Read the summary in Finnish.
Here are some projects and resources (finished, unfinished and broken) I’ve been involved with.
Kouvolan Kronikka was a 4-year long larp chronicle. Read the summary in Finnish.
The Traitorous Rat is an unfinished gangster game played with cards.
A single-page handout for playing Nobilis, third edition.
Sampleshooter is a musical shooting game done at Expa Casual Game Jam.
Ghost Note Cipher is a rhythm-game set in future Africa that was started as part of Expa Game Lab.
EclipseSHOE is a GUMSHOE conversion of the role-playing game Eclipse Phase.
Game Philosopher is the definitive take on game definitions.
Markdown & Tiede is a Markdown and academic writing guide in Finnish.
Tämän botin kehittynyt algoritmi luo ehdotuksia Suomen yliopistokentän uudistamiseksi, jotta päättäjillä olisi helpompaa.
This is just to say that I made a Twitter bot for William Carlos Williams’ poem This Is Just To Say.
Cut my life into pieces, this is my Twitter bot.
Eksymisgeneraattori helps you get lost in Finnish.