Horror & Philosophy

Two of archetypical creatures found in horror movies, zombies and vampires, have also found their way into philosophy. To eat the delicious, undoubtedly larger than average brains, and sweet, sweet blood of philosophers you might think. No, but as serious theories of the mind and humanity. Stop laughing. Zombies Since Descartes, mind has been an important part of the philosophical lingo. Philosophy of mind is experiencing a boom in research and intentionality is a hot topic for conversation. There is also a rather new hybrid of philosophy and several other fields of research called cognitive sciences. ...

April 10, 2008 · 4 min · 852 words · Jonne Arjoranta

Master's Thesis

I’ve been trying to come up with a topic for my master’s thesis for some time now. In March, I have to have some idea what I’m going to research. I suggested something related to play (or gaming), and was given thumbs up by the professors in charge of tutoring us. Now I have to discover what I am going study in my thesis; it seems that all the ideas I had have been examined by someone before me. ...

February 1, 2008 · 1 min · 188 words · Jonne Arjoranta

Thesis, an update

I managed to present my bachelor’s thesis last week’s Tuesday. The final topic was a bit cumbersome “Play: the philosophy of art and play by Gadamer”. It also had a subtitle of “comparison to a different concept of play”. We have a mysteriously silent tutor (apart from the furious attack on this weeks presentation, something that caught us all by surprise), so I have no idea how it went beside the fact that it seemed to have been accepted. ...

October 31, 2007 · 2 min · 264 words · Jonne Arjoranta


I’ve been writing my bachelor’s thesis since spring and it is nearly complete. It should, since I have to present it next month. I started with the vague idea that I want to write something related to gaming and I’ve more or less accomplished that. The topic is ‘Play in the philosophy of Hans-Georg Gadamer’. ...

September 14, 2007 · 2 min · 281 words · Jonne Arjoranta